April Haiku Month, Day 13: Lily


Artist: Klapouh Yuri

a long search for peace . . .
mist hung on tranquil meadow
lilies here and there

she knew search was over . . .
what world could not heal, nature did
voids love left, it filled

another spring sprung . . .
how could flowers keep blooming?
lost ones transform, maybe!

is it not soothing . . .
to think your loved ones go, then
come back, as lilies?

a long search for peace . . .
she could not run anymore
ah! she doesn’t need to

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When you try to channelize pain, you say things you never would have if it weren’t for the pain. And whether what you say is good or bad depends on how you tame your heart and mind, even when they are wild with pain.

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Have you ever tried writing a haiku first and then searching for an image that goes with your creation?

Try it, it is challenging and fun. Like writing a haiku. We know that we need to condense a huge backdrop/idea/story/emotion into very few words. It is more challenging to find a appropriate image using a mere three-four word search term that reflects your haiku and the huge backdrop it is holding. I don’t usually put images on my haiku, but when I do, I do it this way. Its fun.

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This post is submitted at Haiku Heights for Day 13 prompt – Lily. This post is also a part of my NaPoWriMo 2013 journey.

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April Haiku Month, Day 12: Koi Pond


a weary angel . . .

tired wings turn into  fins

dance in a koi pond

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dance in a koi pond . . .

the koi rejoice her new form

mermaids are no myth

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angels and mermaids . . .

we heard a legend or two

who knew they were true

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This post is submitted at Haiku Heights for Day 12 prompt – Koi Pond. This post is also a part of my NaPoWriMo 2013 journey, my first.