Arms Of Forgiveness – Haiku #20

you are in for a long set of haiku ( abberated ones ), have patience if you can manage. 🙂



O’ Love, in thy arms,

of forgiveness, is written

mine exile,  hidden

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, in thy arms,

of forgiveness, a thriving man,

who hurt thee in past

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, in thy arms,

of forgiveness, a broken man,

who hurt thee, never

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, thine virtue 

hath me breathing hard, why blind,

what sin i doth thus?

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, thine virtue,

forgiveness, hadst me exiled,

someone else got closer.

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, speak ‘least now,

i question not in arrogance,

what sin i doth thus?

~ ~ ~

if to -try to ebb

thine pains served by life- is to

sin, then i did sin.

~ ~ ~

if to -hide my name,

in humility- is to

sin, then i did sin.

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, what hadst i

done, that hath me pushed into

this vile emptiness.

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, in angst, i,

ask thee to see, difference,

in love and true love.

~ ~ ~

O’ Love, in thy arms,

of forgiveness, is written

mine exile,  hidden.

~ ~ ~

archaic (old English) words :

hath = has

hast = have

hadst = had

thy / thine = your

thou / thee = you

doth = do / does

~ ~ ~

i started writing it as a haiku,

but the inner feelings caught me in a grip and dictated me to write this, even if there were abberations from the rules of haiku

~ ~ ~

one thing i want to tell not in haiku :

forgiveness is a great virtue,

a very great one indeed,

but in excess of it,

shall, many a time,

sinners thrive,

while all along, good ones get the woeful plate of plight.

how strange.

how harsh.

how forgiving ( yes, sarcastic in deed ).

~ ~ ~

This post is an entry in Haiku Challenge for April 2012 at Haiku Heights. The prompt being “forgive”.

Hurt Her Not – Haiku #18

forgive : i feel it is a tough word in general and a tough word for a haiku too.

so here’s my try :

” thou hast my lady,

hurt her not, forgive she may,

as lost love, i won’t “

~ ~ ~

i donno if people can get what i tried to tell, i would just say that this haiku’s fictional context is

” my love is with an other man, her only man (she never was mine, in fact), but i still love her, for eternity.

and i warn ( not in grudge, but in a concerned urge, for my lady) him, as she chose him, above me,

i warn him not to disappoint her or hurt her because i wouldn’t if i was him.

O’ love,

lost love.”

~ ~ ~

This post is an entry in Haiku Challenge for April 2012 at Haiku Heights. The prompt being “forgive”.

Glamour Carries Gloom (Poetry, Photography)


glamour carries gloom,
world sees only what is abloom,
plenty endured, millions fell
even before color pigmented.

rest while you can, they say,
how can i, while my heart is battered hard and sulks in dismay,
i wander to share their pain,
of all those buds and leaves.

Gone Before The First Blush
Broken and Brown







while even then, no one cares,
broken and brown, no wind dares
to sway them away from under their mother,
there lie their graceful graves.

tears trickle down my face, boon or bane,
while new buds grow plum, memories of the fallen wane,
in my melancholy hides a tale,
of a depressed heart that hides its name.

~ ~ ~

the backdrop sets to both nature and also human relations. Of course, they are hardly different!
click the images for larger view.

~ ~ ~

This poem is written for One Single Impression. The prompt for the week is ‘depression’.

The Woman In White (Painting) – Haiku #36

The Woman In White

clad in austere white,
rainbow of emotions; she,
woman, endures, hides.

~ ~ ~

This post is an entry in Haiku Challenge for April 2012 at Haiku Heights. The prompt being ‘white’.

~ ~ ~

Tried finishing the painting by 12 am but Photoshop crashed and i had to start over because i forgot to save! Uuuf!
This might be my last haiku in april(probably maybe not) because exams start from tomorrow,
but will surely keep track of yours @ Haiku Heights.

Sun Is? – Haiku #30



Morning Deepa



optimist calls sun

warm, pessimist calls sun hell,

damn both, sun is light

~ ~ ~

” dare you call it just

warm, UV is killing us “,

pessimist freaks out

~ ~ ~

” dare you call it hell,

thought humans won’t be punished “,

optimist freaks out

~ ~ ~

damn both, sun is light,

dare you name it different,

call it light, be done.

~ ~ ~

well, all i wanted to tell  was sometimes things should be taken as it is,
going for the opt-pessimist debate screws clarity on simple things too.

~ ~ ~

This post is an entry in Haiku Challenge for April 2012 at Haiku Heights. The prompt being ‘warmth’.

Who Else But…. – Haiku #14



As Raindrops Get Fewer

weary soul, yours,

friends none, but one, who?

‘ hope ‘, who else!

~ ~ ~

Wet With Pearls

‘ hope ‘, who else,

can revive thee,

from ashes 

~ ~ ~


 from ashes,

riseth the phoenix, ‘ hope ‘,

she stands for 

~ ~ ~

i felt, the irony of this set is that all 3 haiku can be read separately and also as sequential flow. hope.

~ ~ ~

hope ‘, my life would be nothing without it. Hope is one fuel i am running my life on. machine.

Phoenix ‘ has a special place in my heart as i always try to gain strength from the weighted fact that one can never rise up again, unless he has hope, no matter what. I relate it to the mythical Phoenix bird. And the catalogue of my photography, drawings and digital art pieces is called “Phoenix ARTS” 🙂

And yes, the first line has 4 syllables and doesn’t follow the 3-5-3 structure. I seriously wanted to put the word ‘ your ‘ 😀 🙂

Suggestions and corrections are most welcome, I’m still learning Haiku. :)

This post is an entry in Haiku Challenge for April 2012 at Haiku Heights. The prompt being “hope”.

Be A Phoenix And Kick The Belief That Says ” It’s a Myth “…

NOTE : I recommend you to go to The Rising Phoenix first and then read this.

Sometimes, you have to lift yourself up from the ashes that you are reduced to. It is hard, no doubt, but even necessary. For if one dreads tomorrow and so cowers under dark today, it is nothing but offending the elemental meaning of life and existence.

The struggle is hard. And the struggle to stay sane and look at the troubles with wisdom is harder and to rise from those ashes is even harder ( # phoenix, yes ). But nevertheless, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, as the saying goes.

But who is holding the light?

Does it matter really?

Does it matter who holds the light at the end of the tunnel?

Like, you expect your love to be standing there at the end of the tunnel, holding the light and showing you the path.

But, are you ready to accept if, when you reach the end of the tunnel, find that it was not your love who was holding the light and guiding you but someone else or maybe something else. Say, some orphan who lost his path and who just arrived there and was wondering what was inside the tunnel. or maybe, it was an old, abandoned wagon which still had enough charge in the battery to light up its head lamp.

So, now, does it really matter?

‘should’ it really matter?

‘does’ allows everyone to put what they ‘feel’ is right. ‘should’ would ask you what ‘is’ right.

Should it really matter then?

Well, if you are trying to stay sane and morally stable – which is essential if your quest is for a complete knowing of yourself and of the world, spiritually or morally – then it shouldn’t.

It’s hard but it shouldn’t matter.

#BeAPhoenix #RiseFromTheAshes ( if you want to tweet, that is. )


I would recommend The Resplendent Life, my friend’s blog, if you are looking for some inspiration, believe me, you would get that. Make sure you are not lazy enough to miss words that really matter.


And I would recommend this blog , particularly this series (after reading it, you might as well go through the whole archives, driven by fascination) of posts called The Rising Phoenix, for someone who wants their questions ( put forth by life ) answered philosophically, spiritually, scientifically and morally. The answers are Beyond the Pear Tree
The series : The Rising Phoenix

And the other posts in that series can be accessed through the navigation panel on the left side of the blog.

Now, Love – You Are Armed (Photography, Poetry)

A Labyrinth Sits Just Around The Corner

I walked you up and down,
That is, twice along the same path,
In silence,
I made you look around, see everything,
That is twice, up and down,

Well, i could have easily said,
There is a labyrinth just around the corner,

But i wanted you to learn it yourself,
And know that i am here to let you learn, that’s essential to move forward in life,
Yet am there to protect you if you trip.

Now anyway,
There is a labyrinth just around the corner,
Read the path you walk,
Learn the surroundings, it’s you they stalk,
Now, breathe hard,
Get those reserves of courage, don’t be a retard,
Believe that i am behind you, always, ready to replenish your spirits with a caring pat.

Now, Love,
You are armed.