Visiting Foreign Lands and Fairy Lands

Daily Prompt: Stranger in a Strange Land
What’s your favorite part about visiting a new place — the food? The architecture? The people watching?

The possibility of discovering things keeps me excited when visiting a new place. Living in an urban city, combined with the pressures of college, I’ve developed a repulsion towards vehicular travel, but that is starting to change and I am very glad about it. I have traveled more in the last 2 months than I did in all 4 years of my graduation. I have always given much thought about architecture whenever I go some place. There is something conjuring about the history of mankind when looking through the architectural manifestations of it. Although I have never been to the pyramids of Egypt, or any of the other 7 wonders of the world except the Taj Mahal, I am sure that everyone would stare in amazement if they were told that the pyramids were built in  2600 BC. Freaking awesome, right? Evolution always amazes me, although it has become worrisome lately. And there is always something adventurous in meeting, or even looking, at people of different cultures.

As much as I love going to new places, observing the new people and their ways, I am not so adventurous when it comes to food. I simply don’t risk it with the local cuisines everywhere I go. I’d be happy and smiling if the place offers something I eat regularly, I’d say thank you very much.

And yeah, the vehicular travel thing! The other form of travel I always preferred was the mind travel.  As I said, I traveled very less, physically, during my college days. But I partnered with my mind and soul to places I could never have traveled in real life. Although it sounds like a deluded personality trait, I’d have to tell you that I have grown very much as a person through those journeys. There is something in me that wants to have a higher level of understanding of the experiences in life, and imagination coupled with reasoning the reality is one of the biggest and most challenging things I’d ever take up.

Anyway, some people may find it stupid that I took this post towards philosophy, so I’m going to stop it there. Coming back to the ‘new places’ theme,  I’d be joining an IT firm soon and I am excited about the prospect of having to move to a new location for work. I have never been out of home during all of my education, and the explorer in me is pretty much raring to go out there with his camera, canvas and journal, recording experiences and growing from them.

Random places most of us dream to visit:

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You can find posts from other bloggers @ The Daily Post. This is also a part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge(UBC), today is Day 18 and I have only started two days back! It would be great if you could join us.

8 thoughts on “Visiting Foreign Lands and Fairy Lands

  1. All the best on your new job and a different place of posting. the pics are just lovely and I would love to visit them all.

  2. my first time to your blog.. hopped here from the write tribe..and the first thing I read about travel… I have been to most parts of Europe.. and I can completely understand your love… hope all your dreams come true 🙂

  3. The job of course will give you more avenues in terms of travel and also the money to facilitate your travels. But I would say mind travel has no substitute. And will always be a part of your life despite active movement. Because mind doesnt want to visit places feet take us to. So it will still dream of places of its own 🙂


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